Chengdu Universiade Museum - stunning showcase of Guangdong elements
- 羊城派
- 2023-08-03 23:24:12
On July 24th, Chengdu Universiade Museum officially opened its doors to the public. This marks the first time in the history of the Universiade that a theme museum has been made accessible to the public before the games" opening ceremony.
The Chengdu Universiade Museum showcases the history of the Universiade since its inception in 1959. It comprehensively embodies the spirit of the Universiade and serves as a vital platform for promoting Universiade culture worldwide. It is also a precious gift from Chengdu to the world.
So, what exactly are the heavy-hitting collections inside the Chengdu Universiade Museum, and what Guangdong elements can be found among the exhibits?
Currently, the museum has gathered nearly 80,000 pieces of various collectibles, images, and electronic documents. Besides valuable items from this edition of the Universiade, the museum has also acquired important collections like medals, torches, and mascots from previous Universiades, holding significant historical value.
Upon entering the museum, visitors are greeted by a panda sculpture. On January 17th, 2019, during the foundation ceremony at Dong"an Lake Sports Park, the attendees left their blessings for Chengdu on this panda sculpture. During this year"s Universiade in Chengdu, participating athletes will be invited to leave their signatures on the sculpture too. This panda sculpture is set to become the museum"s permanent centerpiece.
Among the exhibits, the items from the 26th Universiade in Shenzhen are impressive.
The torch of the Shenzhen Universiade features bright colors with red and yellow as the primary hues, featuring the sun and symbolizing the spirit of youth and the sacred flame. The vibrant slices around it represent university students of various skin colors and cultural backgrounds coming together.
Also on display is the mascot of the Shenzhen Universiade, "UU", evolved from the 2011 Shenzhen World Universiade emblem "Happy U". It forms the letter "U", which represents "UNIVERSIADE", the abbreviation for World University Games.
The museum also features a model of the Universiade Center of the Shenzhen Universiade. Through this array of exhibits, visitors can easily perceive the grandeur of the Shenzhen Universiade and the organizers" dedication. The pioneering and open-minded spirit of Guangdong is vividly embodied in these displays.
As the Chengdu Universiade progresses, the museum"s exhibits will become even more abundant. In the future, more citizens will have the chance to visit the museum and experience the youthful energy of the Chengdu Universiade up close.
文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 龙希 詹淑真图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 龙希翻译 | 刘佳慧
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青校对 | 周勇
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