【报资讯】戒烟的英语作文怎么写 戒烟的英语作文范文参考
- 星际派
- 2022-12-22 18:41:07
Smoke, is a kind of hurt yourself. If you are a smoker, would notice oneself often coughs, found himself teeth become more and more black, think of his health, it was not big as before? If you just started smoking, please take a look at a lot after smoking what are your body will harm the message. All in all, smoking is bad, for the sake of his health, smoking is a good choice.
Quit the way has a lot of, just depends on your personal preferences. Some people like to make friends and relatives to supervise myself, so many aspects of supervision is to let oneself can have more effective to eliminate the idea of smoking, the more under the supervision of, oneself also can be in psychological hint at his ideas, such as not smoking, so day after day, interest in the smoke will be reduced. Some people also like from the aspects of quantity, reduce the number of smoking one by one every day, although is to reduce the quantity, but this gradually less may be a long time. But also some people like to use a substitute to instead of smoke, buy some snacks, at the time of smoke made, eat snacks, this should be a better way.
To give up smoking, not from lip service can, need is a strong willpower and perseverance, say to yourself to the effort. We all know that smoking is a long process, but have faith in yourself and perseverance will succeed.
Smoking only endanger the health of themselves and others, without any benefits. To give up smoking, also want to his persistence and perseverance. But to believe in yourself will give up smoking!
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